Project Final Write Up: Mapping The Blogging Genre

Proposal and Method My final project for Weblogs and Wikis (ENGL 3177) was titled “Mapping The Blog Genre.” In my project proposal, I detailed a strategy in which I would proceed with my so called “mapping.” Very briefly: the process included selecting a blogging topic, reading three to four weblogs, posting notes and analysis onContinue reading “Project Final Write Up: Mapping The Blogging Genre”

Food Blogging Part Two: Storm In an Egg Cup

Today marks the beginning of the last week of classes this semester. I’ve had a particularly jarring weekend in which all of my good habits have been obliterated. Today, I’m going to continue winding down with my project by providing another fascinating analysis of a food blog. I most likely will not engage myself inContinue reading “Food Blogging Part Two: Storm In an Egg Cup”

Food Blogging Part One: Cooking Without Limits

As my project comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the potential blogging sub-genres that I haven’t had the chance to write about. At times, this reflection prompts some regret, because I feel as though certain sub-genres promise more productive analysis than some that I’ve already written about. I accept this as aContinue reading “Food Blogging Part One: Cooking Without Limits”

Compilation Essay: Week Five (Lifestyle Blogging)

This is compilation essay in which I discuss interesting correlations, connections, observations, and conclusions about the sub-genre that is “lifestyle blogging.” This is part of my project for class in which I analyze a myriad of blogging sub-genres. Last week when I discussed the topic of political blogging, I had trouble discovering blogs that preciselyContinue reading “Compilation Essay: Week Five (Lifestyle Blogging)”

Lifestyle Blog Four: KellyHeart

This will be the final post this week for my project before I write a compilation essay on lifestyle blogging. My goal in defining these blogs has been particularly difficult, because as I’ve stated before, lifestyle is an extremely broad topic. My compilation essay will most likely address this wise variety of blogs. However I’mContinue reading “Lifestyle Blog Four: KellyHeart”

Lifestyle Blog Three: Inside Ethical

In yesterday’s post, I wrote about my changing definition of lifestyle blogging. I stated that in terms of lifestyle, my project was going to focus on blogs that primarily write about improving health via exercise and diet. Today however, I’m going to revert to broadening my definition of lifestyle blogging. The main reason for this,Continue reading “Lifestyle Blog Three: Inside Ethical”

Lifestyle Blog Two: The Shriveling Sisters

After my yesterday post, I’m starting to get the feeling I should modify the definition and approach I am taking with the label “lifestyle blogging.” I wanted my questions to be quite broad. How are people changing their lifestyle’s in drastic ways? What is the effect of this? As a whole, this makes the topicContinue reading “Lifestyle Blog Two: The Shriveling Sisters”

Lifestyle Blog One: Simple Living Over 50

For one of my last project weeks, I wanted to write about a sub genre of blogging that is defined as wild or radical. After considering this, I’ve come to realize that writing about blogs that resist definition would be difficult and somewhat contradictory to my original purpose. After all, if I dedicate a weekContinue reading “Lifestyle Blog One: Simple Living Over 50”

Compilation Essay: Week Four (Political Blogging)

This is a compilation essay, in which I articulate in great detail the elements, similarities, correlations, and other interesting conclusions pertaining to political blogging. Click here if you would like to learn about my project. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, this week has been particularly difficult due to the seeming lack of political blogsContinue reading “Compilation Essay: Week Four (Political Blogging)”

Political Blog Three: Snark and Bluster

Today marks the final political blog post before I write my compilation essay. The blog I’ve chosen to write about today probably wouldn’t define itself as a blog that primarily focuses on politics. However, I felt that in this case, content was more revealing than the blog’s declared identity. Also, it has been difficult toContinue reading “Political Blog Three: Snark and Bluster”